La description

KAS-95-32-1CO-M32-PTFE/MS-TD-3D, ATEX of German company Rechner is manufactured of first-rate quality materials and is renowned for its operational reliability and long durability. All brand products are designed to comply with the highest quality standards and are well suited for operation under extreme application conditions.Rechner offers a wide range of quality products, which are suited for use in automated systems in varied areas.
Thread / Process connectionM 32 x 1,5
Housing material active surfacePTFE (FDA 21 CFR 177.1550)
Housing materialMessing
Housing material lidPA
Electrical version5-Leiter AC / DC
Noload current (Io)2,1 mA
Frequency of operating cycles max.2 Hz
LEDdisplayGrun / Gelb
Protective circuitEingebaut
Degree of protection IEC 60529IP 67 (mit versiegelter Potentiometerschraube)
NormEN 60947-5-2
Time delay1 Sek. – 10 Min.
Sensing dinstance Snproduktberuehrend-mediumabhaengig-einstellbar
Operating distance min. / max. adjustable2…25 mm
Operating voltage20…250 V AC / DC
Permitted ambient temperature min.-20 °C
Permitted ambient temperature max.+70 °C
Output function1 x Potentialfreier Wechselkontakt
Output signalRelais
Cable length2 m
ConnectionPVC-Kabel, 6 x 0,34 mm?
ATEX product marking dustEx II 3D IP67 T101° C X
Certified Zones ATEX3D
MTTF952,35 Jahre
WHG certificationAuf Anfrage